This manual is structured much like an illustrated dictionary in alphabetical order, an easy reference for school or club projects, or just plain interest in chickens on Delmarva. On any random East-West drive across Delmarva or a North-South trip, even a casual observer might notice small backyard flocks, farm equipment suppliers, large poultry farms, egg farms, field crops like corn and soybeans, poultry processing plants, veterinarian offices, chicken trucks, and cover crops like winter wheat. Harrington, the home of the Delaware state fairgrounds, is where birds are exhibited and seminars for growers and farmers are conducted.
Chickens on Delmarva A-Z
The manual is focused exclusively on birds grown and shown on Delmarva. Places of breed origin across the U.S. and around the world are identified for historic and geographic purposes; those are the only references off the peninsula. For instance, while the U.S. poultry industry strives to provide an economical, tasty and safe chicken meat product, there’s actually such a thing described as “the best tasting bird in the world”, known as Bresse.
The manual is not just for serious poultry keepers; it is packed with scientific/agricultural terms and drawings, historical facts, and names of actual growers, all designed to also be of interest to Fanciers, service providers and other related poultry workforce personnel, teachers, students, folks interested in the history of Delmarva, and chicken lovers of all ages.
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118 pages, full-color, 8.5” x 11”, Spiral Bound (November 2021)
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